to apply (smb.) for a visa

to apply (smb.) for a visa
обратиться (к кому-л.) за получением визы

English-russian dctionary of diplomacy. 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "to apply (smb.) for a visa" в других словарях:

  • visa — n. 1) to grant, issue a visa 2) to extend; renew a visa 3) to get, receive a visa 4) to apply for a visa 5) to overstay; violate a visa 6) to deny smb. a visa 7) to cancel a visa 8) an entry; exit; student; tourist; transit visa * * * [ viːzə] …   Combinatory dictionary

  • Jason Galanis — Jason Woodruff Galanis, (b. 1970) at New York Hospital on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, and raised in Greenwich, Connecticut, is an investor in financial technology companies and trademark inventions since 1988 and is currently a principal of …   Wikipedia

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